How to build your personal brand as a Real Estate agent in Malaysia

Real Estate Personal Branding


In an industry where competition is high and fresh new real estate agents are coming into the market on a daily basis, there isn’t a more critical time to be able to develop your own personal brand and set yourself apart from all the “regular” agents out there, who are trying to sell whatever they can get their hands on. The problem is most real estate agents don’t know where to start.

Building a personal brand does not only mean just creating a logo, determining your theme colours and sharing it everywhere from your website to your business cards. Today, a personal brand also means telling your story across all channels, both digital and offline, giving leads the chance to get to know the person behind the brand as well.


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So, what would a real estate agent’s audience want to know about their brand? What should they share on their real estate websites, emails and social media pages? Honestly, the answer is subjective. It all depends on the brand and its target market. What may work for one agent may not work for another. But this guide will walk you through the process of identifying how you can start building your own personal brand.

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  1. Find out what makes your brand unique and capitalize on it.

While it may feel like most agents have similar marketing approaches, there will still be an exclusivity to each. The truth is in your work and industry background – you just have to dig for it. Look at your real estate career history from all angles: from your start in the industry to the number of deals that you’ve closed and the total revenue that you’ve earned.

If high end luxury homes for first-time owners is your specialty, then make that the focal point of your brand. Find out what differentiates you from the rest and capitalize on it. Be the best in your niche.

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  1. Utilise electronic direct marketing (EDM) and social media platforms.

Technology has embedded itself into our world so there’s no going around this. While the most obvious start would be to share your story on your website, you should focus on other online marketing platforms as well, such as social media and EDMs.

While sharing through these platforms, make sure to include visual branding elements that reflect your real estate identity such as your brand’s voice, colours or logo. These will highlight your attention to detail when communicating with current and potential clients.

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  1. Hire experienced professionals to help increase your brand’s exposure.

“Public relations” (PR) tend to be associated with stuffy suits at press conferences. However, that is not the case as it has so much more to offer. Getting a newspaper write-up done on you, of being interview by a radio station can boost you brand image to all your prospective clients. Look at it this way – if your business were a movie then PR would be the supporting cast, making the main actors (you and your company) look good.

Top agents and brokers are known to use professional PR agents to help provide new insight to their company and its industry, and increase their brand exposure and reach. It’s also always handy to have media coverage (e.g. newspaper articles) that you can share with your clients.

Digital marketers can also help build your online branding and presence whether through online marketing channels like Google or social media channels like Facebook & Instagram. Building your own personal brand online means you don’t have to solely rely on external channels to bring you leads, prospective clients will be drawn to your online brand and deal with you directly.

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  1. Keep reevaluating your brand and updating it.

As with all things, your brand’s story will change over time. It is important to update your company information (on your website and social media pages) to reflect this.

Doing this every few months will show potential leads the growth of your business and may aid in the generation of new clients. It will also ensure that all information on your company is accurate and up-to-date in this world of constant changes.

Stay tuned with the for more up to date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.

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Ben Liau

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