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 Property Videos

Have a property for sale? Videos are a essential. If a picture speaks a thousand words, a video speaks a thousand pictures with motion and music. Nothing catches your prospective clients eyes like websites featuring beautiful property videos. With music included. Real estate videos are also a great way to market your property on social media, property websites and on YouTube.

For property developers, real estate agencies, real estate agents, & property management companies who are looking to sell/rent their properties, and promote their residential or commercial properties. Contact us for professional yet inexpensive property videos today.

Why invest in Real Estate Videos?

  • People LOVE video: Internet video traffic accounts for 82% of all consumer internet traffic. Showcase your properties in a way that people want and expect to see.
  • Stand out from the crowd: A branded property videos can be the most important element of your listing! Are your competitors using real estate videos? No? Then your listing will be all the more enticing!
  • Win more sales: When selling a property just mention: “We have made a beautiful 1080p HD video on our website and our social media channels”. See how people will appreciate it.
  • Better for your SEO: Google loves engaging video content and pages with videos often rank better than ones without. Property videos are good for your audience and good for SEO for your property website.
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Elevate Your Real Estate Brand

The smartest property professionals are embracing the power of property videos – showing their brand personality in real estate videos, presenting their properties in engaging clips, and highlighting their social communities in lifestyle videos.

  • Dedicated Team
  • Brand Videos
  • Aerial Videography
  • Homepage Videos
  • Lifestyle Area Videos
  • Property Videos

How can we help you with property video marketing?

For your property video marketing techniques to effectively boost your lead generation, you need two things:

  1. To shoot the right types of videos
  2. To market them effectively

At RealestateMY, we have experienced high-quality real estate videographers to help you shoot the right type of video tours for real estate listings.

Depending on your preferences, we have the right tools to create a slideshow of property photos accompanied by music. Or we can shoot stabilised real estate video walkthroughs and also real estate virtual tours.  Our team of qualified professional videographers ensure your videos are well optimised to rank better in search engines.

We will also ensure we include lead capture forms in the videos. Lead capture forms and call-to-action links will help you acquire leads from your viewers. And given that the main idea of creating real estate video walkthroughs is to generate leads, we’ll incorporate all essential details like contact information to improve the quality and quantity of leads.

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