5 trends that will reshape the real estate market in 2024

Trends that will reshape the real estate market in 2024     As we step into 2024, the real estate landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, driven by cutting-edge technologies and evolving consumer expectations. From the integration of AI and machine learning revolutionising property management to the rise of immersive virtual experiences, these five key […]

Top 10 Property Developers in Singapore 2023

Top Property Developers in Singapore 2023 Singapore is home to some of the most prominent and innovative property developers in the world. These developers have been instrumental in shaping the landscape of the city-state, and have contributed to the growth and development of Singapore as a global business and financial hub. From luxury high-rise condominiums […]

Top 10 Property Developers In Malaysia 2023

Top Property Developers In Malaysia 2023     The recent years have been tough on the property industry in Malaysia, but while conditions haven’t been great there are quite a few property developers who are still performing quite well.  So lets dive in on who’s who in Malaysia’s property playground this 2023. We’ve got the […]

Apples New Vision Pro’s Impact On The Real Estate Industry

Apples New Vision Pro & The Real Estate Industry     With the announcement today of the Apple Vision Pro, we will dive into how Virtual Reality (VR) technology has the potential to significantly impact the real estate industry now and in the future. Apple’s Vision Pro a revolutionary spatial computer that seamlessly blends digital […]

The Impact of Inflation on the Property Industry: Exploring the Challenges & Opportunities

 Inflation and the Property Industry     As everyone in the world knows right now, inflation is a problem that affects almost every aspect of the economy, and the property development industry is definitely no exception. Everywhere around the world the cost of raw materials are on the rise, property developers are struggling to maintain […]

How to use data & analytics to optimise real estate sales campaigns

Data & analytics on real estate sales campaigns   We live in a digital world, data and property analytics play a crucial role in the success of real estate lead generation campaigns. By tracking and analysing key metrics, property developers and real estate agents can gain valuable insights into the performance of their campaigns and […]

How property developers can increase sales when inflation has decreased profits

International Sales To Increase Profits In a tough market where inflation has decreased property developers’ profit margin, it’s crucial to explore new strategies to increase sales quantity and speed. One approach that developers can take is to focus on international sales. International sales can help property developers to expand their customer base and reach new […]

4 Database Marketing Tips Real Estate Professionals Can Use To Make More Sales

In these unpredictable times, there isn’t really one solution that can turn back time.  So it is important to focus on solid, actionable steps that you can control and implement day-by-day. While we are practicing the new norm of “social distancing” and taking a pause from our typical daily routine, you as a real estate […]

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